Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The 'Old Me' vs. The 'New Me'

...............THE OLD ME..............................................................THE NEW ME.............................
...would consume 2500 - 3000 kcal per day....................consumes about 600 - 800 kcal daily!
...avoided exercise like the plague...................................looks forward to the treadmill!
...wore a size 24 on top and 20 on bottom.......................wears a size 20 top and 16 bottoms!
...would eat my fries and then steal from my son's plate....hasn't touched a fry in 12 weeks! tired/fatigued so easily...........................................has boundless energy!
...ate fast food approximately 5 times per week..............can't remember the last time?
...loaded up on bread/chips/pasta/carbs............................eats very little carbs.
...could eat half a pan of brownies...................................probably still 'could'-- but wouldn't!
...gave up on dieting/felt so helpless................................feels so empowered!
...medicated daily for arthritis pain..................................hasn't needed a pain pill in 6 weeks!
...never packed my lunch for work..................................always packs a healthy lunch!
...would often eat to the point of discomfort...................only eats until satisfied!
...always ate everything on my plate...............................often has 'leftovers'!
...was an 'emotional eater'................................................tries to only eat when hungry.
...always had dessert........................................................treats myself twice a month. short of breath with very little activity................... has a lot more stamina!
...loved greasy, fried foods...............................................avoids greasy, fried foods.
...was resigned to being fat forever..................................looks forward to being healthy!