Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday Weigh-In

Don't believe everything you read.
    Dagnabbit!  Gained again. Alas, my new scale is called "THINNER", but I am not. I even weighed myself on my old scale to see if there was a difference (hey, a girl can dream, right?), but no such luck.
    I have been losing and gaining the same damn four pounds since January 18th. You know what this means dont'cha? This means I must actually track my intake! I haven't done this since third week post-op. I have got to get a handle on this. I cannot stay at this weight, not after all I've been through. So as much as I hate it, I will dutifully track my calories and protein intake. I know many of you do this on a daily basis, but I'm not a 'numbers' girl and never will be. It's about as natural to me as walking backwards.   :-(   But I know this is needed to  a) hold me accountable and  b)track trends/identify problems. I hope you all have a great weekend. Thanks for reading my blog!!


  1. I find logging my food super helpful. But I am a very visual person. I also see when I need to kick myself in the butt because I am slipping. Tonight was one of those nights at 1600 calories for the day...ARGHH. You are going to break the 190 mark. Its going to happen super soon! You can do it!

  2. You are exactly right. I hate tracking but it really works. Good luck!!! BTW, Like that blue pedi!

  3. tracking is a great tool that I have to use to really understand how much I eat...I don't pay attention otherwise and eat more. You got this!

  4. Hi--new follower! I've seen you a lot commenting other other people's blogs and I don't know why I'm just now stopping by :)

    So far I HATE tracking. But I know I have to do it because my ideas of how Much much I'm eating and how good it is for me are totally different than, uh, reality's idea. Some of the things that I think of as "healthy food" are totally laden with sugar or carbs. Ugh.

    I was just banded 2 weeks ago so I'm still getting used to eating real food--just started soft foods 2 days ago. It's hard to know when to stop eating...I know I need to slow down :)

    Don't be too hard on yourself about those pesky 5 pounds--you look great and have come a long way! Feel free to stop by and visit me at
