Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ten Things Thursday

  • 1) My local gym is remodeling. I'm hoping they're installing a bakery.
  • 2) I have conquered my fear of the stepmill. Stairs: look out!
  • 3) I have been doing a lot of 'stress eating' this past month. My job is ending February 15 and I have been anxiously searching for a new job. I've been eating a lot of carbs, my drug of choice.
  • 4) I've been considering asking for a fill, but I know that my eating is due to stress. I can feel my restriction with a lot of different foods I swallow. I don't want to be dangerously restricted. I just want the monkey off my back. 
  • 5) I can't think of five more things to say.


  1. hang in there! i know this is difficult time for you. just keep your goal in mind and just keep putting one foot in front of the other at the gym. praying all works out with the employment!

  2. yeah stress eating is something I can relate to. Crossing my fingers over your job situation.

  3. hahahahaha, I just saw you wishing they would install a bakery at your gym. That made me lol.

    Take it one day at a time. It will work out.
