Friday, December 7, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In

This is my 20th weekly weigh in.
Unfortunately, it reflects a 2 lb weight gain this past week. I'm not worried though, because this is, er, not the best Time of the Month to be weighing oneself. I'm confident that next week will reflect a loss.

I'm so excited, I've joined a Holiday Weight Loss Challenge with some other bloggers. Hosted by Z at Fabulous to Fit, we e-mail our weights every week through February. There will be first, second, and third-place winners. I love a little friendly competition!
I expect to be in Onederland sometime in the next two weeks. I'm so excited! I haven't seen those numbers since breastfeeding, over a dozen years ago!!


  1. Heck, I gained to this week. First time in over 6 months! Let me grab my water as I say this. lol

